Saturday, January 19, 2013

Here's How to AVOID the after work BINGE...

You start work at 7 am, likely without breakfast. You drink nothing but coffee all the way through the morning, only to snack on a light lunch of green salad with grilled chicken. You feel great that your diet is on track. Mid-afternoon goes by and you munch on a few carrot sticks and celery, while sipping a diet Coke at your desk.

After work hits, you go home and then you notice just how ravenous you are. At that point, the pantry is just too tempting and you succumb to eating box’s of cookies, dipping in for spoonful’s of peanut butter, or nosh on cereal right out of the box. Many people experience after work binges and this is nothing to feel ashamed about. Instead, you should look at why this might be happening and then what you can do to put a stop to it.

Let’s go over some fast ideas to crush after work binges.

Eat Well Throughout The Day

The very first thing that you should be doing if an after work binge is a very common occurrence for you is to make sure that you’re eating well all throughout the day. If you have a habit of eating very few calories all throughout the day, it’s no wonder why your body is so hungry when you get home. You need to feed yourself throughout the day so that you control your hunger at all times.

Start eating a healthier breakfast, a good mid-morning and afternoon snack, and do include some healthy carbs at lunch. Then see how tempting that after-work binge is.

Walk As Soon As You Get Home

Moving along, another quick tip to avoid the after work binge is to go for a brisk walk as soon as you get home. Even if you can get out and walk quickly for 15 minutes, this will get your blood flowing and give you a quick boost to your energy level. This in return can also help to combat food cravings in a hurry and help you stay focused on a healthy mindset. You’ll have just burned off about 100 calories as well, so this will further assist with your weight loss goals.

Deal With Stress More Productively

One of the primary reasons why some women tend to binge after work is because they’re so stressed out from their busy day. If this describes you, start looking for help with using better stress management techniques. If you don’t let your stress build up throughout the day as much, you’ll have fewer emotions to deal with when you return home for the night. This can reduce the chances that you turn to food for comfort.

Keep Only Healthy Foods In the House

Finally, make sure that you only keep healthy food in the house. By doing so, at the very least if you do eat, you know you’ll be eating healthy. Practice damage control and you’ll see less risk of fat gain. So there you have the primary points to keep in mind regarding after work binging. Use these quick tips and you can avoid it from happening to you.

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